
Mad Mapper: Shanghai CLOUD von NYX Visual Label

NYX‘ Shanghai CLOUD / Making Of featuring MadMapper from NYX Visual Label on Vimeo.

For the launch of the Chivas J&J brand, NYX was invited in Shanghai to perform its visual show on the new design of the CLOUD structure.

„Most interesting to readers is likely to be the technical approach to using MadMapper. This is the ‘non-Cowboy’ approach of having carefully created content for a specific, preconceived sculpture where the role of MadMapper is used to warp the content so that it fits as precisely as possible on the sculpture. Being that this warping is shot with a time lapse you can see that doing this does take some time and patience in order to get it right. There is no arguing with the results and Modul8 is used to control the content.“ 15/01/2012

NYX Team
Louis de Castro
Benjamin Chassagne
Romain Belloche
Max Coisne
With the help and support of Modul8 and MadMapper

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