
Monthly Archives: Juni 2022

Infinity – Endless Video Artwork Universal Everything: Matt Pyke, Simon Pyke, Adam Samson and Spyke Thomson

Infinity – Endless Video Artwork was created by Universal Everthing Studio. This is a loose association of developers, artists, programmers, sound designers, motion designers that has existed since 2004….

Matt Pyke, Founder & Creative Director, Sheffield is involved in this work. He is responsible for the realisation of the animations with UNITY. Matt Pyke is already known for his spectacular animations of creatures endlessly passing by the viewer, be it made of fire, water, as constantly changing forms. The author admired the first work at Ars Electronica years ago. Now a new variation can be admired in Karlsruhe.
Infinity – Endless Video Artwork

Simon Pyke is responsible for the sound. One of his works ‚Walking City‘ was awarded the Golden Nica 2014 at Ars Electronica and is clearly remembered. He designs soundscapes. They are not stereotypical at all. They are noticeable, catchy but by no means trivial.

This work is constantly generated. All kinds of creatures parade past the viewer. They walk fast, pond-walking, sporting, strolling, hopping, sprinting, jogging, strolling, parading. An endless number of very individual paces. The creatures themselves are digitally life generated. They are fantastic-looking characters. Some rather fat, others slim, upright, small, tall, everything is there. The surface texture varies from character to character. But they all have one thing in common: they are made of a variety of slightly springy material that looks like shag, fabric, cords, puffs, tufts or something else. Here, every step resonates. The colours shimmer in full saturation and support this very happy, ever-changing parade. One can linger for hours and admire the ever-changing figures.

The bold and beautiful characters are generated and join in the parade in real-time. This alive and joyful artwork is made possible only with bespoke coding and latest Apple M1 chip or Nvidia graphics technology. The stream broadcast from the UE studio which runs on 100% renewable energy and solar panels.
The studio is exploring the interactive potential of infinite, code-generated artworks, and the opportunities for figures based on people and elements from the worlds of fashion, nature and more.

Post by Prof. Ursula Drees

fmx: Let’s talk to Saraswathi Vani Balgam

There are certainly simpler CVs. Vani’s is more complex. The very fact that she was born a woman in India is a disadvantage. She is not allowed to study, but luckily her parents are liberal and don’t stop her. She wants to make films. She will learn and she will turn self-taught learning into art. Not much stops her from her dreams and desires. She is cheerful, ambitious and incredibly modern. Because she knows what it means to talk about lifelong learning. It is not only about specialised knowledge, it is above all about recognising one’s own strengths and weaknesses and working with precisely this capital. It is important to recognise both, the low points and the successes, it is important to read something out of everything, not just the successes. Because every low blow, we learn, is also an opportunity to look closely and learn. That, incidentally, is the basis of learning. Mistakes bring knowledge and experience. That’s what makes her independent and that’s what this interview is about.

Thank you so much for your time and your experiences. It was such an experience to be interviewing you at the fmx in Stuttgart. You are very inspiring.

Post von Miklos Bajus, Luiza Noemi Bogya and Karen Reilly.