Kataloge und Zeitschriften: Medieninstallation und Künstler
Ackers, Susanne (Hrsg.) (2005); Ausstellung Verstreute Momente der Konzentration. Urbane und Digitale Räume, Frankfurt am Main Revolver, Archiv für Aktuelle Kunst.
Berg, Eddie and McGonigal, Jo. „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in International 2002 — Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool: Liverpool Biennial, 2002, p. 88-91.
Binder, Pat; Haupt, Gerhard 82005): Excerpt from an interview for Universe in Universe. In: SCRABBLE — vídeo, lenguaje y abstracción. Exhibition catalogue. Gran Canaria: Centro Atlántico De Arte Moderno, 2005 p. 66-75. (english / español)
Binder, Pat; Haupt, Gerhard (2005): „Excerpt from an interview for Universe in Universe“ in: SCRABBLE — vídeo, lenguaje y abstracción. Exhibition catalogue. Gran Canaria: Centro Atlántico De Arte Moderno, p. 66-75. (english / español)
Brizzi, Marco; Giaconia, Paola (2002): „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“. In: Beyond Media – 6º Festival Internazionale di Architettura in Video. Exhibition catalogue. Bologna: Editrice Compositori, p. 69. (english / italiano)
Bullivant, Lucy (2006): Responsive Environments — Architecture, Art and Design. London: V&A Contemporary. cover page and p. 36-39. (english)
Broeckmann, Andreas (2004): „Public Spheres and Network Interfaces“ In: Graham, Stephen: The Cybercities reader. New York: Routledge, p. 380-381. (english)
Cámara, Ery (translated by D.E. Cowan) (2005): Mexican Artists in the International Arena. In EXIT — México. Special Edition. Spain: Olivares & Associates, cover page and p.160-175. (english / español)
Cameron, Andy (Hg) (2004): The Art of Experimental Interaction Design. Hong Kong, Laurence Ng.
Dewdney, Andrew and Ride, Peter (2006): Vectorial Elevation – public arts project: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. In: The New Media Handbook, New York: Routledge, 2006, p. 195-205. (english)
Druckrey, Timothy (2004): „Echte Telepräsenz… – Real Telepresence…“ in Dot.City. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH, p. 60-73. (english / deutsch)
Druckrey, Timothy (2003): Critical Conditions – information, atmospheres and event scenes part 1 part 2 part 3, Exhibition catalogue. Pittsburgh: Wood Street Galleries,, p. 20-41. (english)
Druckrey, Timothy (2003): „Relational Architecture: the work of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“, Debates & Credits. Media / Art / Public Domain. Amsterdam: De Balie – Centre for Culture and Politics, p. 69-72. (english / dutch)
Ehrlich, Ken; Labelle, Brandon (2003): „Body Movies“ in Surface Tension – Problematics of Site. New York: Errant Bodies Press, p. 239-244. (english) mit Audio-CD
Fernández, María. „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in egofugal — 7th international Istanbul biennial, exhibition catalogue. Istanbul: Istanbul Foundation for Culture & Arts, 2001, p. 75-77. (turkkilainen / english)
Graham, Beryl (2003): Digital Media,, Directions in Art series. Oxford: Heinemann, 2003. p. 28-31. (english)
Himmelsbach, Sabine (2008): Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: Recorders. Heidelberg: Kehrer.
Hasegawa, Yuko (2003): „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“, Cream 3. Contemporary Art in Culture. 10 curators -10 contemporary artists – 10 source artists. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2003, p.188-191. (english)
Herrera Ysla, Nelson (2000) „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in Séptima Bienal de La Habana. Exhibition catalogue. Madrid: Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wilfredo Lam, 2000, p. 234-235. (español / english)
Kacunko, Slavko (2004) Closed Circuit Videoinstallationen. Berlin: Logos, 2004, p. 686-687. (deutsch)
Leoploldseder, Hannes (1994): Prix Ars Elctronica 94, Internationales Kompendium der Computerkünste, Linz: Veritas Verlag.
Leoploldseder, Hannes (1993): Prix Ars Elctronica 93, Internationales Kompendium der Computerkünste, Linz: Veritas Verlag.
Leoploldseder, Hannes/Schöpf, Christine/Stocker, Gerfried (Hrsg.) (2005): PrixArs Electronica, CyberArts 2005, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag.
Lopez, Sebastian (2004): „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in Shangai Biennale – Techniques of the Visible, Exhibition catalogue. Shangai: Shangai Fine Art Publishers,, p. 164-167. (chinese / english)
Lovejoy, Margot. „Art as interactive communications: networking global culture“ in Digital currents: art in the electronic age. London: Routledge, 2004, p. 221-223. (english)
Lovink, Geert. (2002): „Real and Virtual Light of Relational Architecture – an interview with Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in Uncanny Networks – Dialogues with the Virtual Intelligentsia. Cambridge: MIT Press, , p. 304-313. (english)
Lozada, Príamo. „Dataspace Arte Electrónico“ in MÉXICO EN ARCO ’05 — Madrid, España. Exhibition catalogue. Spain: Conaculta and Turner, 2005, p. 99-100. (english / español)
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. „Under Scan“, Exhibition catalogue and DVD, East Midlands Development Agency, Nottingham 2007. (english)
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (2007): Algunas Cosas Pasan Mas Veces Que Todo El Tiempo/Some Things Happen More Often Than All of the Time. Turner.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (2005): Subsculptures. Guy Bärtschi Gallery: Genf.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (Hg.) (2000): Vectorial Elevation, Relational Architecture No. 4. Exeter: Revelation.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (1998): „The Relational Museum“ in: Proceedings of the International Association of Telecommunication Museums.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (1997): „Re:Positioning Fear, Relational Architecture #3“ In: Pöchhacker, Charlotte (Hg): 3. Internationale Biennale Film und Architektur. Graz: Artimage.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (1997): „Displaced Emperors. Relational Architecture #2“ In: Stocker, Gerfried; Schöpf, Christine (Hg.): FleshFactor. Informationsmaschine Mensch. Ars Electronica 1997
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (1997): „IMmediaCY“ In: Gerbel, Karl (Hg.): Endo und Nano. Die Welt von Innen. Ars Electronica. Linz: PVS.
Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (1991): Virtual Reality. In: Richards, Catherine; Nell Tenhaff (Hg.): Virtual Seminar on the BIOAPPARATUS. Banff, AB: Banff Centre for the Arts.
Massumi, Brian; Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael (2003): Urban Appointment: A Possible Rendezvous With The City. in: Brouwer, Joke; Mulder, Arjen; Charlton, Susan (Hg.): Making Art of Databases. Rotterdam
Neumann, Dietrich (2002) „Architectural Illumination since World War II“ in Architecture of the Night, Munich: Prestel Verlag, p. 83. (english)
Ohlenschläger, Karin (1997): „The capable skin – La Piel Capaz“: In: Arte Virtual – Realidad Plural. Exhibition catalogue. Monterrey: Museo de Monterrey, p. 66-69. (english / español)
Paul, Christiane (2003): Digital Art. London: Thames & Hudson. p. 72-77; 100. (english)
Schöpf, Christine/Stockner, Gerfried (Hrsg.) (2003): CODE, Code – Language of Our Time, Code + Law Code – Art Code – Life, Ars Electronica 2003, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag
Ranzenbacher, Heimo. „Metaphors of Participation“ in Takeover – who’s doing the art of tomorrow. ARS Electronica 2001, Vienna: Springer, 2001, p. 240-247. (english / deutsch)
Rüth, Uwe (Hrsg.) (2006): Ausstellung zum 12. Marler Video-Kunst-Preis, Medien-Raum-Wettbewerb, Marl: Marl.
Ryan, Zoë (2004): „Temp Work“ in OPEN — New Designs For Public Space. New York: Van Halen Institute, p.100-101. (english)
Tribe, Mark;Jana, Reena (2006): „Vectorial Elevation“ in New Media Art (Art des nouveaux médias). Köln: TASCHEN GmbH, 2006, p. 4 and p. 62-63. (english / français)
Wilson, Stephen (2002): „Rafael Lozano-Hemmer“ in Information Arts – Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002, p. 540-542 and p.737-739. (english)
Wirths, Axel (Hrsg.) (1998): Der elektronische Raum: 15 Positionen zur Medienkunst / Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz Verlag.